Message From The Principal

Dear Families.

Kindergarten is a child’s first introduction to elementary school. Before they come to kindergarten, they have learned a lot of things through experience with teachers such as parents, siblings, relatives, friends, neighbors, etc. So, Learning at Kindergarten cannot be an independent process but has to happen in collaboration between teachers and families. It is important that we share experiences often to make the learning experiences for children more joyful and effective.

We promote self -discovery and self awareness; foster independence and help children gain and use skills necessary for small and whole group activities. The children are encouraged to follow their interests, investigate their queries and represent their thoughts. The teacher work alongside the children to encourage and support them in learning process. They provide guidance, provocation, and stimulation to inspire children i their quest for learning. The curriculum is designed for the development in all for areas, social, emotional, physical, and intellectual.

Each child is unique and possesses a potential to learn through different ways. So a diverse learning atmosphere is necessary for them to enhance their curiosity and joy of learning. Children are active learners, they learn through touching , moving, talking, drawing, questioning, playing etc. Through varieties of opportunities children explore, experiment, investigate and predict.

Children learn better in a safe, secure, supportive and welcoming environment. So they need to be provided with conducive environment both in school and at home. Children need to be provided with opportunities to imagine, predict and try out new ideas and be challenged with new experiences that engage budding readers, writers, scientists, mathematicians, and artists. teachers and parents including who work with children need to help children get empowered, feel valued to be listened to , to be competent and successful.

We welcome your child as an intelligent and valued individual and aim to cherish wonderful moments in his/her journey to life.

We look forward to the prospect of your family joining the Aksharaa Kindergarten School for your children to experience an exceptional, world class education.


Principal of Aksharaa

Priti Rana